The term you select here will redirect to this record.
academic disciplines
academic education
action campaigns
action committees
administrative assistants
administrative law
administrative occupations
adoptive parents
adult education
adventure stories
advertising campaigns
affirmative action
african cultures
african religions
afro-latin americans
age discrimination
age groups
age of consent
agricultural occupations
AIDS activists
AIDS awareness
AIDS education
AIDS information centres
AIDS organisations
AIDS periodicals
AIDS phobia
air force
airline personnel
alternative medicine
alternative punishments
american cultures
anal cancer
anal intercourse
anal sex
animal sexual behaviour
animated film
anonymous complaints
anonymous sex
anorexia nervosa
anti-discrimination law
anti-gay violence
anti-lesbian violence
anti-transgender violence
aquatic sports
arranged marriage
art galleries
art history
art movements
artificial insemination
arts and entertainment occupations
asian cultures
asian religions
asian studies
assigned gender
asylum migration
audiovisual media
autism spectrum disorders
autoerotic asphyxiation
aversion therapy
ball games
ballroom dancing
baptist church
battering of women
BDSM community
beat generation
beauty standards
behavioural therapy
being in love
benevolent societies
bereaved people
bi movement
bigender people
biological evolution
biological parenthood
bipolar disorder
birth certificate amendments
birth parents
bisexual boys
bisexual characters
bisexual community
bisexual couples
bisexual daughters
bisexual families
bisexual girls
bisexual identity
bisexual information centres
bisexual men
bisexual parents
bisexual publishers
bisexual rights
bisexual sons
bisexual studies
bisexual women
bisexual youth
black people
black studies
blind people
blood banks
blood donors
blood transfusions
boarding schools
body adornments
body building
body care
body image
body language
body parts
body politics
book censorship
book clubs
borderline personality disorder
boy bands
boys' friendships
brain research
brain surgery
breast cancer
breastfeeding rights
broadcasting networks
buddy care
budget cuts
bulimia nervosa
bull fights
burial ceremonies
burn out
bus drivers
business people
butch femme relationships
canon law
caravan dwellers
card games
career choice
career development
casual sex
categorial care
cervical cancer
challenged books
change of name
chat rooms
child abuse
child custody
child pornography
child prostitutes
child prostitution
child support
child welfare
children of bisexuals
children of gay men
children of transgender people
children's help lines
children's homes
children's rights
children's sexuality
choir boys
christian democracy
chronic fatigue syndrome
church councils
citizenship education
city walks
civil disobedience
civil law
civil rights
civil servants
civil unions
civil wars
class struggle
classical music
classification of diseases
classification systems
closeted gay men
closeted lesbians
code of advertising practices
coercive measures
cohort studies
cold war
collection development
collective labour agreements
combination therapy
comic strips
coming out
commemorations of the dead
commemorative plaques
communication studies
community centres
company doctors
computer industry
concentration camps
conflict management
conscientious objection
constitutional rights
construction workers
consultancy agencies
consumer behaviour
coping behaviour
corrective rape
council of europe
council of state
country and western music
couples therapy
credit cards
crimes against humanity
criminal law
crisis centres
cross-cultural relationships
cultural diversity
cultural movements
cultural studies
cycling clubs
dancing schools
dark rooms
dating agencies
dating shows
dating websites
daughters of gay men
daughters of lesbians
children of lesbians
day care
day release courses
deaf people
death and dying
death notices
death penalty
death squads
defamation campaigns
defence mechanisms
dental dams
desire to have children
detention under a hospital order
developing countries
development cooperation
developmental disabilities
direct action
disability insurance
disability studies
disc jockeys
disease progression
dismissal of employees
divorced people
dolls' technique
domestic partnership contracts
domestic partnership retirement benefits
domestic partnerships
dot-com companies
drag balls
drag community
drag kings
drag queens
drug abuse
drug users
dutch reformed church
Eastern orthodox churches
easy listening music
eating disorders
economic crises
economic developments
economic exploitation
economic self-reliance
education studies
educational institutions
educational materials
educational occupations
ego-dystonic sexual orientation
electronic games
electroshock therapy
employment discrimination
employment policies
employment suspension
enforced exile
equestrian sports
erectile dysfunction
erection pills
erotic literature
escort services
ethnic diversity
ethnic groups
ethnic relations
ethnic studies
european commission
european convention on human rights
european court of human rights
european court of justice
european cultures
european parliament
european union
ex-gay movement
exotic dancers
extramarital children
fag hags
fairy tales
family members
family planning
family practitioners
family therapy
fashion designers
fashion dolls
fathers of gay men
fathers of lesbians
fear of death
female circumcision
female pedophilia
female prostitutes
female prostitution
feminist theology
femmes fatales
figure skating
film censorship
film industry
film studies
fin de siècle
financial institutions
fire brigades
fire fighters
first wave feminism
folk culture
folk music
food industry
foreskin restoration
foster children
foster families
foster parents
freedom rings
french revolution
funeral rites
gambling addiction
gay and lesbian youth
gay archives
gay bookshops
gay boys
gay characters
gay clergy
gay community
gay community centres
gay culture
gay families
gay games
gay identity
gay information centres
gay liberation
gay libraries
gay male couples
gay men
gay men's choirs
gay movement
gay museums
gay parents
gay political groups
gay press
gay pride
gay pride week
gay publishers
gay radio
gay religious groups
gay rights
gay sensibility
gay slang
gay sons
gay sports clubs
gay studies
gay television
gay theatre
gay theatre groups
gay theology
gay trade union groups
gay-straight alliances
gender bending
gender diversity
gender dysphoria
gender fluid
gender identity
gender minorities
gender realignment surgery
gender relations
gender role
gender segregation in labour
gender studies
gender swapping
genetic engineering
genital ulcers
genital warts
girls' friendships
girls' studies
goddess movement
gothic novels
graphic art
graphic novels
group homes
group leaders
group sex
group therapy
guest houses
gynaecologic disorders
handkerchief codes
hard drugs
hate crimes
hate groups
hate speech
heads of state
health advice centres
health care
health care centres
health education
health insurance
health sciences
hearing impairments
help lines
heterosexual boys
heterosexual feminism
heterosexual girls
heterosexual identity
heterosexual marriage
heterosexual men
heterosexual women
heterosexual youth
higher education
hip hop music
historical literature
historical periods
HIV tests
HIV-negative people
HIV-positive people
home care
homeless people
honour killings
hormone therapy
hospitality industry
house music
household work
housing associations
housing for older people
human geography
human papilloma virus
human reproduction
human rights
human rights organisations
illegal residents
image hosting websites
immigration detention centres
immigration law
immigration policy
in vitro fertilisation
incest victims
indigenous peoples
information centres
information services
information society
inheritance law
institutional care facilities
insurance companies
intellectual freedom
intergenerational relationships
interior design
internalised homophobia
international law
international organisations
international relations
internet forums
intersex movement
intersex people
intersex rights
intimate partner violence
jehovah's witnesses
job applications
job placement
justice department
juvenile detention centres
juvenile law
kaposi's sarcoma
labour law
labour movement
landscape architecture
latent homosexuality
latin american cultures
latino studies
lay movement
lay people
learning difficulties
leather community
legal advice centres
legal aid
legal name
legal occupations
legal process
legal status
legal studies
leisure activities
lesbian archives
lesbian bookshops
lesbian characters
lesbian choirs
lesbian clergy
lesbian community
lesbian community centres
lesbian couples
lesbian culture
lesbian daughters
lesbian families
lesbian feminism
lesbian girls
lesbian identity
lesbian information centres
lesbian land
lesbian libraries
lesbian movement
lesbian museums
lesbian nation
lesbian parents
lesbian political groups
lesbian press
lesbian prostitutes
lesbian prostitution
lesbian publishers
lesbian radio
lesbian religious groups
lesbian rights
lesbian sensibility
lesbian separatism
lesbian slang
lesbian sports clubs
lesbian studies
lesbian television
lesbian theatre
lesbian theatre groups
lesbian theology
lesbian trade union groups
lesbian-gay relations
letters to the editor
LGBTI community
LGBTI movement
LGBTI rights
LGBTI rights policy
liberation movements
liberation theology
life insurance
life stories
literary awards
literary criticism
literary salons
literary theory
literature review
living arrangements
living collectives
local government
local radio
local television
longitudinal studies
lorry drivers
love triangles
mail order companies
male bonding
male circumcision
male prostitutes
male prostitution
manual sex
mardi gras
marital status
maritime occupations
marketing and sales occupations
marriage law
married people
martial arts
mass communication
mass media
media occupations
medical disorders
medical examinations
medical interventions
mediterranean cultures
meeting places
men in traditionally female-dominated occupations
men who have sex with men
men's friendships
men’s information centres
men's magazines
men's movement
men's organisations
men's studies
mental disorders
mental exercise
mental health
mental health care
metropolitan community church
middle age
middle class
military occupations
military police
military service
military service physical examinations
mixed-orientation marriage
mood disorders
moral rearmament
moral theology
moravian church
mothers of gay men
mothers of lesbians
motorcycle clubs
mud sex
multiple personality disorder
municipal by-laws
music groups
music industry
music videos
musical theatre
mutual masturbation
mystery and detective fiction
national government
native american cultures
native american religions
native american studies
native americans
natural insemination
natural sciences
neurotic disorders
new age movement
new testament
news magazines
newspaper columns
night life
nipple play
nonviolent resistance
north american cultures
nude beaches
nude photographs
nursing homes
occupational bans
criminal occupations
occupations in health care and social care
oedipus complex
old age
old catholic church
old cultures
old testament
older bisexuals
older gay men
older lesbians
older people
older people's organisations
older transgender people
olympic games
ombuds services
online care
online dating
online games
opinion polls
oral history
oral sex
organ donors
organisations for sexual research and sexual reform
organization of american states
overweight people
pacific islander cultures
parental authority
parental leave
parental rights
parents of bisexuals
parents of crossdressers
parents of gay men
parents of lesbians
parents of pedophiles
parents of transgender people
parents’ organisations
parking lots
partner notification
partner preference
partner rights
partners of bisexuals
partners of gay men
partners of lesbians
partners of transgender people
party drugs
party games
passive immune therapy
pastoral care
patient support groups
peace movement
pedagogical eros
pedophile movement
pedophile periodicals
peep shows
penile plethysmography
pension funds
pension survivors benefits
people with developmental disabilities
people with disabilities
people with hearing impairments
people with physical disabilities
people with visual disabilities
performing arts
persecution of gay men
persecution of lesbians
persecution of transgender people
personal and family law
personal characteristics
personal papers
personality disorders
personnel management
personnel screening
phallic sex
pharmaceutical industry
phases of life
philosophies of life
philosophy of science
phone sex
phone sex workers
photo books
photo magazines
photographic models
physical affection
physical characteristics
physical disabilities
physical disorders
physical education
physical fitness
physical health
physical health care
physical therapy
physical violence
pink triangles
plastic surgery
platonic love
play therapy dolls
police raids
police entrapment
police officers
political correctness
political movements
political occupations
political parties
political science
political systems
poop sex
pop art
pop groups
pop music
popular culture
popular fiction
porn films
porn industry
porn magazines
porn stars
postage stamps
postal services
primary education
prison guards
prisoners of conscience
probation and after-care service
professional associations
prosecution policy
prostate cancer
prostitutes' clients
protection of personal data
protestant church in the netherlands
provision of information
provo movement
psychiatric institutions
psychological characteristics
psychological processes
psychological tests
psychological violence
psychosocial care
psychotic disorders
puberty blockers
public assistance regulations
public opinion
public relations
public safety
public services
public sex
public space
public transport
public worship
puppet theatre
quality of life
queen's day
queer theory
radical feminism
radical therapy
radio programmes
rainbow flags
rajneesh movement
rap music
rape victims
recreation areas
recreational drug use
red ribbons
reference sources
reformatory schools
reformed churches in the netherlands
refugee centres
regional government
relationship satisfaction
religious music
religious orders
religious organisations
religious right
religious society of friends
religious studies
religious texts
remonstrant brotherhood
reporting points
research methods
residence permits
resistance movements
retirement benefits
retirement homes
retrieval systems
return migration
right to die
right to vote
right wing extremism
risk behaviours
ritual homosexuality
rock music
role models
role behaviour
roman catholicism
romantic friendships
rubber sex
rural areas
rural women
russian revolution
safer sex
safer sex parties
salvation army
same-sex marriage
school dropouts
school television
schools for LGBT youth
science fiction
second wave feminism
secondary education
secret service
security risks
serial killers
serial killings
serodiscordant couples
service occupations
sex accessories
sex cinemas
sex clubs
sex education
sex industry
sex locations
sex parties
sex scandals
sex shops
sex therapy
sex tourism
sex workers
sexual abstinence
sexual abuse
sexual addiction
sexual assault
sexual behaviour change
sexual child abuse
sexual diversity
sexual dysfunction
sexual excitement
sexual harassment
sexual health
sexual identity
sexual minorities
sexual offences laws
sexual orientation
sexual practices
sexual reform
sexual relationships
sexual reorientation
sexual revolution
sexual roles
sexual sterilisation
sexual violence
sexually abused children
sign language
single fathers
single mothers
single parent families
single parents
single people
situational sexual behavior
SM movement
social activities clubs
social and behavioural sciences
social bookmarking
social care
social classes
social constructionism
social control
social democracy
social exclusion
social integration
social law
social media
social movements
social networking websites
social networks
social norms
social parenthood
social processes
social security regulations
social service organisations
social work
social workers
sociocultural education
sociocultural education centres
sociocultural evolution
socioeconomic characteristics
sodomy laws
soft drugs
sons of gay men
sons of lesbians
special education
sperm banks
sperm donors
sporting events
sports clubs
sports organisations
squatters movement
step families
step parents
stonewall riots
street names
street theatre
street violence
students' clubs
study days
substance abuse
summer camps
support groups
support liability
supreme court
surrogate mothers
swimming pools
talk shows
taxi drivers
teaching materials
technical education
television programmes
television series
terminal care
testicular cancer
textile art
thai boxing
theatre groups
theatre shows
theatre studies
third gender
tobacco industry
torch songs
tour operators
town and country planning
track and field
trade exhibitions
trade journals
trade unions
trades and industrial occupations
traditional medicine
training programs
transgender archives
transgender characters
transgender children
transgender community
transgender couples
transgender culture
transgender daughters
transgender families
transgender identity
transgender information centres
transgender libraries
transgender movement
transgender parents
transgender people
transgender prostitutes
transgender prostitution
transgender publishers
transgender rights
transgender slang
transgender sons
transgender studies
transgender youth
transport companies
transportation occupations
transsexual people
travel agencies
travel literature
travel guides
trigender people
two-spirit people
unemployment insurance
united church of canada
united nations
universal declaration of human rights
unmarried couples
unrequited love
upper class
vaginal photoplethysmograph
vaginal sex
verbal abuse
vice squad
victim advice counselors
victims of crime
victims of hate crimes
victims of sexual abuse
victims of war
victims' rights
video on demand
video sharing websites
visitation rights
visual arts
visual disabilities
vocational education
voice therapy
voluntary exile
voyages of exploration
walking clubs
water sports
web filtering software
welfare benefits
western cultures
white people
widowed people
winter sports
women in traditionally male-dominated occupations
women who have sex with women
women's archives
women's bars
women's bookshops
women's community centres
women's friendships
women's information centres
women's libraries
women's marriages
women's movement
women's music
women's music festivals
women's organisations
women's press
women's publishers
women's studies
work ethic
work situation
working class
world war I
world war II
youth care
youth centres
youth culture
youth for christ
youth hostels
youth literature
youth magazines
youth organisations
youth services
youth theatre
zoning plans
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[""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 12, pid: "homosaurus/terms/actors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "actors", pref_label: "actors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "gender-neutral usage", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["players", "actresses"], alt_labels_language: ["players", "actresses"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, 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narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 44, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ageOfConsent", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ageOfConsent", pref_label: "age of consent", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 45, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ageism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ageism", pref_label: "ageism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "discrimination against older people", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 46, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ageplay", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ageplay", pref_label: "ageplay", pref_label_language: nil, description: "roleplaying, usually sexual, in which one adult ta...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["age play"], alt_labels_language: ["age play"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 47, pid: "homosaurus/terms/aggression", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aggression", pref_label: "aggression", pref_label_language: nil, description: "use only for feelings of aggression", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 49, pid: "homosaurus/terms/AIDSActivists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSActivists", pref_label: "AIDS activists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 50, pid: "homosaurus/terms/AIDSAwareness", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSAwareness", pref_label: "AIDS awareness", pref_label_language: nil, 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vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 53, pid: "homosaurus/terms/AIDSOrganisations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSOrganisations", pref_label: "AIDS organisations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDS organizations"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDS organizations"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 54, pid: "homosaurus/terms/AIDSPeriodicals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", 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00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["fear of AIDS", "AIDSphobia"], alt_labels_language: ["fear of AIDS", "AIDSphobia"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 56, pid: "homosaurus/terms/airForce", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "airForce", pref_label: "air force", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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[], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 60, pid: "homosaurus/terms/alimony", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "alimony", pref_label: "alimony", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, 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pid: "homosaurus/terms/animals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "animals", pref_label: "animals", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 75, pid: "homosaurus/terms/animatedFilm", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "animatedFilm", pref_label: "animated film", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 76, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anonymousComplaints", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anonymousComplaints", pref_label: "anonymous complaints", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anorexiaNervosa", pref_label: "anorexia nervosa", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 79, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anthologies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anthologies", pref_label: "anthologies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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[], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 81, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anthroposophy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anthroposophy", pref_label: "anthroposophy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 82, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anti-discriminationLaw", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 84, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anti-feminism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anti-feminism", pref_label: "anti-feminism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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[], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 89, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anti-transgenderViolence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anti-transgenderViolence", pref_label: "anti-transgender violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 90, pid: "homosaurus/terms/apartheid", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "apartheid", pref_label: "apartheid", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 91, pid: "homosaurus/terms/appearance", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "appearance", pref_label: "appearance", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 94, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ARC", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ARC", pref_label: "ARC", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDS related complex"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDS related complex"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 95, pid: "homosaurus/terms/archeology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "archeology", pref_label: "archeology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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id: 98, pid: "homosaurus/terms/archivists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "archivists", pref_label: "archivists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 99, pid: "homosaurus/terms/army", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "army", pref_label: "army", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 104, pid: "homosaurus/terms/artHistory", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "artHistory", pref_label: "art history", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 105, pid: "homosaurus/terms/artMovements", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "artMovements", pref_label: "art movements", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 106, pid: "homosaurus/terms/artificialInsemination", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "artificialInsemination", pref_label: "artificial insemination", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["donor insemination"], alt_labels_language: ["donor insemination"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 107, pid: "homosaurus/terms/artists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "artists", pref_label: "artists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 108, pid: "homosaurus/terms/arts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "arts", pref_label: "arts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 110, pid: "homosaurus/terms/asceticism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asceticism", pref_label: "asceticism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 111, pid: "homosaurus/terms/asexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asexuality", pref_label: "asexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "lack of sexual attraction to others or the lack of...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 112, pid: "homosaurus/terms/asianCultures", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asianCultures", pref_label: "asian cultures", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["oriental cultures"], alt_labels_language: ["oriental cultures"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 113, pid: "homosaurus/terms/asianReligions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asianReligions", pref_label: "asian religions", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["oriental religions"], alt_labels_language: ["oriental religions"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 121, pid: "homosaurus/terms/attitudes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "attitudes", pref_label: "attitudes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 123, pid: "homosaurus/terms/autismSpectrumDisorders", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autismSpectrumDisorders", pref_label: "autism spectrum disorders", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["autism"], alt_labels_language: ["autism"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 124, pid: "homosaurus/terms/autobiographies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autobiographies", pref_label: "autobiographies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["memoirs"], alt_labels_language: ["memoirs"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 125, pid: "homosaurus/terms/autoeroticAsphyxiation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autoeroticAsphyxiation", pref_label: "autoerotic asphyxiation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["hypoxyphilia", "strangulation sex", "asphyxiophilia", "autoerotic asphyxia"], alt_labels_language: ["hypoxyphilia", "strangulation sex", "asphyxiophilia", "autoerotic asphyxia"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 126, pid: "homosaurus/terms/autonomy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autonomy", pref_label: "autonomy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "the capacity of a rational individual to make an i...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["independence"], alt_labels_language: ["independence"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 127, pid: "homosaurus/terms/aversionTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aversionTherapy", pref_label: "aversion therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "behavior modification therapy displacing pleasant ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 128, pid: "homosaurus/terms/aviation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aviation", pref_label: "aviation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 129, pid: "homosaurus/terms/awards", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "awards", pref_label: "awards", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 132, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ballet", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ballet", pref_label: "ballet", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 133, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ballroomDancing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ballroomDancing", pref_label: "ballroom dancing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 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"BDSM", pref_label: "BDSM", pref_label_language: nil, description: "an erotic preference and a form of personal relati...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 145, pid: "homosaurus/terms/BDSMCommunity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "BDSMCommunity", pref_label: "BDSM community", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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"", identifier: "beatGeneration", pref_label: "beat generation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "writers and poets of the beat generation and their...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["beatniks"], alt_labels_language: ["beatniks"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 149, pid: "homosaurus/terms/beautyStandards", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "beautyStandards", pref_label: "beauty standards", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["bereaved"], alt_labels_language: ["bereaved"], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 154, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bereavement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bereavement", pref_label: "bereavement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 155, pid: "homosaurus/terms/biMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biMovement", pref_label: "bi movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["bisexual movement"], alt_labels_language: ["bisexual movement"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 159, pid: "homosaurus/terms/biographies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biographies", pref_label: "biographies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "biography", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 160, pid: "homosaurus/terms/biologicalEvolution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biologicalEvolution", pref_label: "biological evolution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "any change across successive generations in the he...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 161, pid: "homosaurus/terms/biologicalParenthood", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biologicalParenthood", pref_label: 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 169, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bisexualBoys", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualBoys", pref_label: "bisexual boys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 170, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bisexualCharacters", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualCharacters", pref_label: "bisexual characters", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 185, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bisexualYouth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualYouth", pref_label: "bisexual youth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 186, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bisexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexuality", pref_label: "bisexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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[], alt_labels: ["human body"], alt_labels_language: ["human body"], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 203, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bodyAdornments", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bodyAdornments", pref_label: "body adornments", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["body decoration"], alt_labels_language: ["body decoration"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 207, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bodyLanguage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bodyLanguage", pref_label: "body language", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"", identifier: "bodyPolitics", pref_label: "body politics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "relates to societal control, through both policy a...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 210, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bondage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bondage", pref_label: "bondage", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 217, pid: "homosaurus/terms/boyBands", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "boyBands", pref_label: "boy bands", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 218, pid: "homosaurus/terms/boycotts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "boycotts", pref_label: "boycotts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 260, pid: "homosaurus/terms/careerChoice", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "careerChoice", pref_label: "career choice", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 261, pid: "homosaurus/terms/careerDevelopment", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "careerDevelopment", pref_label: "career development", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: 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[], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 263, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cartoons", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cartoons", pref_label: "cartoons", pref_label_language: nil, description: "satirical drawings of someone or something", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 264, pid: "homosaurus/terms/casting", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "casting", pref_label: "casting", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 265, pid: "homosaurus/terms/castration", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "castration", pref_label: "castration", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 266, pid: "homosaurus/terms/casualSex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "casualSex", pref_label: "casual sex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "promiscuity", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/categorialCare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "categorialCare", pref_label: "categorial care", pref_label_language: nil, description: "care aimed at specific groups, such as gay men, le...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 269, pid: "homosaurus/terms/celebrations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "celebrations", pref_label: "celebrations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 274, pid: "homosaurus/terms/centres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "centres", pref_label: "centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["centers"], alt_labels_language: ["centers"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"challengedBooks", pref_label: "challenged books", pref_label_language: nil, description: "books whose removal from libraries has been formal...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 277, pid: "homosaurus/terms/changeOfName", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "changeOfName", pref_label: "change of name", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 278, pid: "homosaurus/terms/characters", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "characters", pref_label: "characters", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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pid: "homosaurus/terms/childProstitution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childProstitution", pref_label: "child prostitution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "up to approx. 15 yrs", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 285, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childSupport", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childSupport", pref_label: "child support", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["child maintenance"], alt_labels_language: ["child maintenance"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 286, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childWelfare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childWelfare", pref_label: "child welfare", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], 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"homosaurus/terms/childhood", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childhood", pref_label: "childhood", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 289, pid: "homosaurus/terms/children", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "children", pref_label: "children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "up to approx. 12 yrs", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 290, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrenOfBisexuals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfBisexuals", pref_label: "children of bisexuals", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], 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nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 292, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrenOfTransgenderPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfTransgenderPeople", pref_label: "children of transgender people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 293, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrensHelpLines", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrensHelpLines", pref_label: "children's help lines", pref_label_language: nil, 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 295, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrensRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrensRights", pref_label: "children's rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 296, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrensSexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrensSexuality", pref_label: "children's sexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "sexual behaviour of children", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 297, pid: "homosaurus/terms/chlamydia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chlamydia", pref_label: "chlamydia", pref_label_language: nil, description: 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[], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 299, pid: "homosaurus/terms/choirs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "choirs", pref_label: "choirs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 300, pid: "homosaurus/terms/choreographers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "choreographers", pref_label: "choreographers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 301, pid: "homosaurus/terms/christianDemocracy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "christianDemocracy", pref_label: "christian democracy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 303, pid: "homosaurus/terms/chromosomes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chromosomes", pref_label: "chromosomes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "organised structure of DNA and protein found in ce...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 304, pid: "homosaurus/terms/chronicFatigueSyndrome", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chronicFatigueSyndrome", pref_label: "chronic fatigue syndrome", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["CFS", "CFIDS", "ME", "myalgic encephalomyelitis", "chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome"], alt_labels_language: ["CFS", "CFIDS", "ME", "myalgic encephalomyelitis", "chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: 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"", identifier: "cities", pref_label: "cities", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 310, pid: "homosaurus/terms/citizenshipEducation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "citizenshipEducation", pref_label: "citizenship education", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 316, pid: "homosaurus/terms/civilUnions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "civilUnions", pref_label: "civil unions", pref_label_language: nil, description: "legally recognized forms of partnership similar to...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["registered partnership", "civil partnership"], alt_labels_language: ["registered partnership", "civil partnership"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 317, pid: "homosaurus/terms/civilWars", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "civilWars", pref_label: "civil wars", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 318, pid: "homosaurus/terms/classStruggle", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "classStruggle", pref_label: "class struggle", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 319, pid: "homosaurus/terms/classicalMusic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "classicalMusic", pref_label: "classical music", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: 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id: 321, pid: "homosaurus/terms/classificationSystems", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "classificationSystems", pref_label: "classification systems", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["classification schemes"], alt_labels_language: ["classification schemes"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 322, pid: "homosaurus/terms/classism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "classism", pref_label: "classism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: 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"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 324, pid: "homosaurus/terms/clitoris", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "clitoris", pref_label: "clitoris", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 325, pid: "homosaurus/terms/closetedGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "closetedGayMen", pref_label: "closeted gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 326, pid: "homosaurus/terms/closetedLesbians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "closetedLesbians", pref_label: "closeted lesbians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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341, pid: "homosaurus/terms/collectiveLabourAgreements", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "collectiveLabourAgreements", pref_label: "collective labour agreements", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 342, pid: "homosaurus/terms/colleges", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "colleges", pref_label: "colleges", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 345, pid: "homosaurus/terms/comicStrips", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "comicStrips", pref_label: "comic strips", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 346, pid: "homosaurus/terms/comingOut", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "comingOut", pref_label: "coming out", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 347, pid: "homosaurus/terms/commemorationsOfTheDead", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "commemorationsOfTheDead", pref_label: "commemorations of the dead", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 348, pid: "homosaurus/terms/commemorativePlaques", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "commemorativePlaques", pref_label: "commemorative plaques", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 349, pid: "homosaurus/terms/commercialism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "commercialism", pref_label: "commercialism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "tendency within open-market capitalism to turn eve...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 350, pid: "homosaurus/terms/communes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communes", pref_label: "communes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 353, pid: "homosaurus/terms/communism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communism", pref_label: "communism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 354, pid: "homosaurus/terms/communities", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communities", pref_label: "communities", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a group of interacting people, living in some prox...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 355, pid: "homosaurus/terms/communityCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communityCentres", pref_label: "community centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 356, pid: "homosaurus/terms/companyDoctors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "companyDoctors", pref_label: "company doctors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 357, pid: "homosaurus/terms/compartmentalisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "compartmentalisation", pref_label: "compartmentalisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "denominational segregation along socio-political l...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["compartmentalization"], alt_labels_language: ["compartmentalization"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 358, pid: "homosaurus/terms/competitions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 360, pid: "homosaurus/terms/computerIndustry", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "computerIndustry", pref_label: "computer industry", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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["prophylactics", "rubbers"], alt_labels_language: ["prophylactics", "rubbers"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 364, pid: "homosaurus/terms/conductors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "conductors", pref_label: "conductors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/conservatism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "conservatism", pref_label: "conservatism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 371, pid: "homosaurus/terms/constitution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "constitution", pref_label: "constitution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 372, pid: "homosaurus/terms/constitutionalRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "constitutionalRights", pref_label: "constitutional rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: 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"homosaurus/terms/consultancyAgencies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "consultancyAgencies", pref_label: "consultancy agencies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["consulting firms"], alt_labels_language: ["consulting firms"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 375, pid: "homosaurus/terms/consumerBehaviour", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "consumerBehaviour", pref_label: "consumer behaviour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 378, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cooks", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cooks", pref_label: "cooks", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 379, pid: "homosaurus/terms/copingBehaviour", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "copingBehaviour", pref_label: "coping behaviour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 380, pid: "homosaurus/terms/copyright", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "copyright", pref_label: "copyright", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/corruption", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "corruption", pref_label: "corruption", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 383, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cottages", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cottages", pref_label: "cottages", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["urinals", "public urinals", "tearooms"], alt_labels_language: ["urinals", "public urinals", "tearooms"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 384, pid: "homosaurus/terms/councilOfEurope", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "councilOfEurope", pref_label: "council of europe", pref_label_language: nil, description: "international organisation promoting co-operation ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 386, pid: "homosaurus/terms/counseling", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "counseling", pref_label: "counseling", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 387, pid: "homosaurus/terms/counterculture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "counterculture", pref_label: "counterculture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "anti-bourgeois cultural and political radicalism", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 388, pid: "homosaurus/terms/countryAndWesternMusic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "countryAndWesternMusic", pref_label: "country and western music", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 389, pid: "homosaurus/terms/couples", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "couples", pref_label: "couples", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 390, pid: "homosaurus/terms/couplesTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "couplesTherapy", pref_label: "couples therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 391, pid: "homosaurus/terms/courts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "courts", pref_label: "courts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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pid: "homosaurus/terms/craving", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "craving", pref_label: "craving", pref_label_language: nil, description: "intense sense of longing for a person or situation", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 395, pid: "homosaurus/terms/creativity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "creativity", pref_label: "creativity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 396, pid: "homosaurus/terms/creditCards", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "creditCards", pref_label: "credit cards", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"cross-culturalRelationships", pref_label: "cross-cultural relationships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "relationships between persons from different ethni...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["intercultural relationships", "interracial relationships"], alt_labels_language: ["intercultural relationships", "interracial relationships"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 404, pid: "homosaurus/terms/crossdressers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "crossdressers", pref_label: "crossdressers", pref_label_language: nil, 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[], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 407, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cruising", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cruising", pref_label: "cruising", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 408, pid: "homosaurus/terms/culturalDiversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "culturalDiversity", pref_label: "cultural diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "diversity of cultural experience and expression of...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 409, pid: "homosaurus/terms/culturalMovements", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "culturalMovements", pref_label: "cultural movements", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 410, pid: "homosaurus/terms/culturalStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "culturalStudies", pref_label: "cultural studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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412, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cultures", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cultures", pref_label: "cultures", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 413, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cunnilingus", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cunnilingus", pref_label: "cunnilingus", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["eating pussy", "cunt licking"], alt_labels_language: ["eating pussy", "cunt licking"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 414, pid: "homosaurus/terms/customs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "customs", pref_label: "customs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "authority or agency in a country responsible for c...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 415, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cyberbullying", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cyberbullying", pref_label: "cyberbullying", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 416, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cybersex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cybersex", pref_label: "cybersex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["internet sex", "online sex", "computer sex"], alt_labels_language: ["internet sex", "online sex", "computer sex"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 417, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cyberstalking", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cyberstalking", pref_label: "cyberstalking", 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 420, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dadaism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dadaism", pref_label: "dadaism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 421, pid: "homosaurus/terms/damages", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "damages", pref_label: "damages", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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[], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 427, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dating", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dating", pref_label: "dating", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 428, pid: "homosaurus/terms/datingAgencies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "datingAgencies", pref_label: "dating agencies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 429, pid: "homosaurus/terms/datingShows", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "datingShows", pref_label: "dating shows", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 430, pid: "homosaurus/terms/datingWebsites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "datingWebsites", pref_label: "dating websites", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"daughtersOfGayMen", pref_label: "daughters of gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 433, pid: "homosaurus/terms/daughtersOfLesbians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "daughtersOfLesbians", pref_label: "daughters of lesbians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 439, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deathAndDying", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deathAndDying", pref_label: "death and dying", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 440, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deathNotices", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deathNotices", pref_label: "death notices", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["death announcements"], alt_labels_language: ["death announcements"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 441, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deathPenalty", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deathPenalty", pref_label: "death penalty", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["capital punishment"], alt_labels_language: ["capital punishment"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 442, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deathSquads", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deathSquads", pref_label: "death squads", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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identifier: "decadentism", pref_label: "decadentism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a late 19th century artistic and literary movement...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 446, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deconstruction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deconstruction", pref_label: "deconstruction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "form of semiotic analysis, derived mainly from wor...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 449, pid: "homosaurus/terms/defenceMechanisms", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "defenceMechanisms", pref_label: "defence mechanisms", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["defense mechanisms"], alt_labels_language: ["defense mechanisms"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 450, pid: "homosaurus/terms/definitions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "definitions", pref_label: "definitions", pref_label_language: 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[""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 452, pid: "homosaurus/terms/democracy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "democracy", pref_label: "democracy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 453, pid: "homosaurus/terms/demography", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "demography", pref_label: "demography", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 454, pid: "homosaurus/terms/demographics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "demographics", pref_label: "demographics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 455, pid: "homosaurus/terms/demonstrations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "demonstrations", pref_label: "demonstrations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["rallies", "political marches", "protests"], alt_labels_language: ["rallies", "political marches", "protests"], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 457, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dentalDams", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dentalDams", pref_label: "dental dams", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["latex barriers"], alt_labels_language: ["latex barriers"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 458, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dentists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dentists", pref_label: "dentists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 461, pid: "homosaurus/terms/design", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "design", pref_label: "design", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 462, pid: "homosaurus/terms/desireToHaveChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "desireToHaveChildren", pref_label: "desire to have children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 468, pid: "homosaurus/terms/diaries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "diaries", pref_label: "diaries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["personal journals"], alt_labels_language: ["personal journals"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 480, pid: "homosaurus/terms/disabilityStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "disabilityStudies", pref_label: "disability studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: 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"homosaurus/terms/diversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "diversity", pref_label: "diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "diversity in characteristics of people in age, gen...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 488, pid: "homosaurus/terms/divorce", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "divorce", pref_label: "divorce", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 489, pid: "homosaurus/terms/divorcedPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "divorcedPeople", pref_label: "divorced people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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nil, uri: "", identifier: "drab", pref_label: "drab", pref_label_language: nil, description: "dressing in the clothes conventionally considered ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 501, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drag", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drag", pref_label: "drag", pref_label_language: nil, description: "dressing in clothing that is conventionally consid...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 502, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dragBalls", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragBalls", pref_label: "drag balls", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/dragKings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragKings", pref_label: "drag kings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["male impersonators"], alt_labels_language: ["male impersonators"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 505, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dragQueens", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragQueens", pref_label: "drag queens", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["female impersonators"], alt_labels_language: ["female impersonators"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 506, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drama", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drama", pref_label: "drama", pref_label_language: nil, description: "in case of publications about performances: USE pl...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 507, pid: "homosaurus/terms/draughtmanship", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "draughtmanship", pref_label: "draughtmanship", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["draftsmanship"], alt_labels_language: ["draftsmanship"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 508, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drawings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drawings", pref_label: "drawings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 509, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dreams", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dreams", pref_label: "dreams", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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[], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 511, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drugUsers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drugUsers", pref_label: "drug users", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 512, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drugs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drugs", pref_label: "drugs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "for street drugs; for pharmaceutical drugs USE med...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["street drugs"], alt_labels_language: ["street drugs"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 513, pid: "homosaurus/terms/DSM", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "DSM", pref_label: "DSM", pref_label_language: nil, description: "published by the American Psychiatric Association ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders"], alt_labels_language: ["diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 514, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dutchReformedChurch", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dutchReformedChurch", pref_label: "dutch reformed church", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 515, pid: "homosaurus/terms/DVDs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "DVDs", pref_label: "DVDs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 516, pid: "homosaurus/terms/easternOrthodoxChurches", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "easternOrthodoxChurches", pref_label: "Eastern orthodox churches", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["orthodox eastern churches"], alt_labels_language: ["orthodox eastern churches"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 517, pid: "homosaurus/terms/easyListeningMusic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "easyListeningMusic", pref_label: "easy listening music", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 518, pid: "homosaurus/terms/eatingDisorders", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eatingDisorders", pref_label: "eating disorders", pref_label_language: nil, description: "group of conditions defined by abnormal eating hab...", visibility: "visible", 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 520, pid: "homosaurus/terms/e-commerce", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "e-commerce", pref_label: "e-commerce", pref_label_language: nil, description: "buying and selling of products or services over el...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["electronic commerce"], alt_labels_language: ["electronic commerce"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"economicCrises", pref_label: "economic crises", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 523, pid: "homosaurus/terms/economicDevelopments", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "economicDevelopments", pref_label: "economic developments", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["economy"], alt_labels_language: ["economy"], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 524, pid: "homosaurus/terms/economicExploitation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "economicExploitation", pref_label: "economic exploitation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 526, pid: "homosaurus/terms/economics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "economics", pref_label: "economics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 527, pid: "homosaurus/terms/economists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "economists", pref_label: "economists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 530, pid: "homosaurus/terms/educationStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "educationStudies", pref_label: "education studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["educational studies"], alt_labels_language: ["educational studies"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 531, pid: "homosaurus/terms/educationalInstitutions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "educationalInstitutions", pref_label: "educational institutions", 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 535, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ego-dystonicSexualOrientation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ego-dystonicSexualOrientation", pref_label: "ego-dystonic sexual orientation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "mental disorder characterized by having a sexual o...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["ego-dystonic homosexuality"], alt_labels_language: ["ego-dystonic homosexuality"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 536, pid: 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["electroconvulsive therapy", "electric shock therapy"], alt_labels_language: ["electroconvulsive therapy", "electric shock therapy"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 539, pid: "homosaurus/terms/email", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "email", pref_label: "email", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"", identifier: "embassies", pref_label: "embassies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 542, pid: "homosaurus/terms/emigration", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "emigration", pref_label: "emigration", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", 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[], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 548, pid: "homosaurus/terms/employmentSuspension", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "employmentSuspension", pref_label: "employment suspension", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["job suspension"], alt_labels_language: ["job suspension"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 549, pid: "homosaurus/terms/encyclopedias", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: 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"2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["colonic irrigation"], alt_labels_language: ["colonic irrigation"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 551, pid: "homosaurus/terms/enforcedExile", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "enforcedExile", pref_label: "enforced exile", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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uri: "", identifier: "equestrianSports", pref_label: "equestrian sports", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["horse sports"], alt_labels_language: ["horse sports"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 558, pid: "homosaurus/terms/erectileDysfunction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "erectileDysfunction", pref_label: "erectile dysfunction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["impotence"], alt_labels_language: ["impotence"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 559, pid: "homosaurus/terms/erectionPills", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "erectionPills", pref_label: "erection pills", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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nil, uri: "", identifier: "erotica", pref_label: "erotica", pref_label_language: nil, description: "the portrayal of sexuality with high-art aspiratio...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 562, pid: "homosaurus/terms/eroticism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eroticism", pref_label: "eroticism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 567, pid: "homosaurus/terms/essays", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "essays", pref_label: "essays", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/ethics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethics", pref_label: "ethics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["moral philosophy", "morality"], alt_labels_language: ["moral philosophy", "morality"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 570, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ethnicDiversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethnicDiversity", pref_label: "ethnic diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "diversity in ethnicity within a particular group o...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 571, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ethnicGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethnicGroups", pref_label: "ethnic groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "DO NOT USE for migrants", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["races"], alt_labels_language: ["races"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 572, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ethnicRelations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethnicRelations", pref_label: "ethnic relations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "relations between ethnic groups", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["race relations"], alt_labels_language: ["race relations"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethnocentrism", pref_label: "ethnocentrism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "cultural myopia that prohibits people from seeing,...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 575, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ethology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethology", pref_label: "ethology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", 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[""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 577, pid: "homosaurus/terms/etiquette", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "etiquette", pref_label: "etiquette", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 578, pid: "homosaurus/terms/etymology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "etymology", pref_label: "etymology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 579, pid: "homosaurus/terms/eunuchs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eunuchs", pref_label: "eunuchs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", 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nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 582, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanConventionOnHumanRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanConventionOnHumanRights", pref_label: "european convention on human rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "an international treaty to protect human rights an...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 583, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanCourtOfHumanRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanCourtOfHumanRights", pref_label: "european court of human rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a supra-national or international court establishe...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 584, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanCourtOfJustice", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanCourtOfJustice", pref_label: "european court of justice", pref_label_language: nil, description: "highest court in the European Union in matters of 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 586, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanParliament", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanParliament", pref_label: "european parliament", pref_label_language: nil, description: "the directly elected parliamentary institution of ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 587, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanUnion", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanUnion", pref_label: "european union", pref_label_language: nil, description: "an economic and political union of 27 member state...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["european community", "EU"], alt_labels_language: ["european community", "EU"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 588, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europride", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europride", pref_label: "europride", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a pan-European international event dedicated to LG...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 589, pid: "homosaurus/terms/euthanasia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "euthanasia", pref_label: "euthanasia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["assisted death", "mercy killing"], alt_labels_language: ["assisted death", "mercy killing"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 590, pid: "homosaurus/terms/evangelisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "evangelisation", pref_label: "evangelisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["evangelization"], alt_labels_language: ["evangelization"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 591, pid: "homosaurus/terms/events", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "events", pref_label: "events", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 592, pid: "homosaurus/terms/evolution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "evolution", pref_label: "evolution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "refers to any kind of gradual change; it is used i...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 593, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ex-gayMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ex-gayMovement", pref_label: "ex-gay movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "people and organisations that seek to get people t...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 594, pid: "homosaurus/terms/examinations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "examinations", pref_label: "examinations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 595, pid: "homosaurus/terms/executives", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "executives", pref_label: "executives", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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alt_labels_language: ["banishment"], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 599, pid: "homosaurus/terms/existentialism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "existentialism", pref_label: "existentialism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "term applied to the work of a number of philosophe...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"experiments", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 602, pid: "homosaurus/terms/extramaritalChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "extramaritalChildren", pref_label: "extramarital children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["illegitimate children"], alt_labels_language: ["illegitimate children"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 603, pid: "homosaurus/terms/faeries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "faeries", pref_label: "faeries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Radical Faeries (also Faeries and Faes) are a loos...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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pref_label: "fairs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 606, pid: "homosaurus/terms/fairyTales", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fairyTales", pref_label: "fairy tales", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 608, pid: "homosaurus/terms/familyMembers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "familyMembers", pref_label: "family members", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 609, pid: "homosaurus/terms/familyPlanning", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "familyPlanning", pref_label: "family planning", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["birth control"], alt_labels_language: ["birth control"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 610, pid: "homosaurus/terms/familyPractitioners", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "familyPractitioners", pref_label: "family practitioners", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", 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pref_label: "fantasy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "genre that uses magic and other supernatural pheno...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 614, pid: "homosaurus/terms/farmers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "farmers", pref_label: "farmers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 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"homosaurus/terms/feminism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "feminism", pref_label: "feminism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "collection of movements aimed at defining, establi...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 630, pid: "homosaurus/terms/feministTheology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "feministTheology", pref_label: "feminist theology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 637, pid: "homosaurus/terms/figureSkating", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "figureSkating", pref_label: "figure skating", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 638, pid: "homosaurus/terms/film", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "film", pref_label: "film", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 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"2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 651, pid: "homosaurus/terms/folkCulture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "folkCulture", pref_label: "folk culture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["folklore"], alt_labels_language: ["folklore"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 655, pid: "homosaurus/terms/fosterChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fosterChildren", pref_label: "foster children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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[], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 659, pid: "homosaurus/terms/freedomRings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "freedomRings", pref_label: "freedom rings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 668, pid: "homosaurus/terms/fundraising", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fundraising", pref_label: "fundraising", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 669, pid: "homosaurus/terms/funeralRites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "funeralRites", pref_label: "funeral rites", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 674, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gardening", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gardening", pref_label: "gardening", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 678, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayBookshops", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayBookshops", pref_label: "gay bookshops", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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["gay pastors"], alt_labels_language: ["gay pastors"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 682, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayCommunity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayCommunity", pref_label: "gay community", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 683, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayCommunityCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayCommunityCentres", pref_label: "gay community centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 684, pid: "homosaurus/terms/chubs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chubs", pref_label: "chubs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "overweight or obese gay men who identifies as bein...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 685, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayCulture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayCulture", pref_label: "gay culture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 686, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayFamilies", pref_label: "gay families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "used only for gay male couples living with their c...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 691, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayLibraries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayLibraries", pref_label: "gay libraries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 692, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayMaleCouples", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMaleCouples", pref_label: "gay male couples", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 693, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMen", pref_label: "gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["gays"], alt_labels_language: ["gays"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 694, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayMensChoirs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMensChoirs", pref_label: "gay men's choirs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 696, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayMuseums", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMuseums", pref_label: "gay museums", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 697, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayParents", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayParents", pref_label: "gay parents", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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[]>, #<Term id: 700, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayPride", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayPride", pref_label: "gay pride", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 701, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayPrideWeek", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayPrideWeek", pref_label: "gay pride week", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 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id: 708, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gaySons", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gaySons", pref_label: "gay sons", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 709, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gaySportsClubs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gaySportsClubs", pref_label: "gay sports clubs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 710, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayStudies", pref_label: "gay studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"gayTheatre", pref_label: "gay theatre", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 713, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayTheatreGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayTheatreGroups", pref_label: "gay theatre groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", 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"gay-straightAlliances", pref_label: "gay-straight alliances", pref_label_language: nil, description: "alliances to make schools, sports clubs, etc. safe...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 717, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gaydar", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gaydar", pref_label: "gaydar", pref_label_language: nil, description: "intuitive ability of a person to assess others' s...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 718, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gender", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gender", pref_label: "gender", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], 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nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 720, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderDiversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderDiversity", pref_label: "gender diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "behaviour or gender expression that does not confo...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["pangender", "gender non-conformity", "gender variance", "genderqueerness"], alt_labels_language: ["pangender", "gender non-conformity", "gender variance", "genderqueerness"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, 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pref_label_language: nil, description: "a gender identity best described as a dynamic mix ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 723, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderIdentity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderIdentity", pref_label: "gender identity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["genderqueer identity", "gender-variant identity"], alt_labels_language: ["genderqueer identity", "gender-variant identity"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 724, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderMinorities", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderMinorities", pref_label: "gender minorities", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["genderqueer orientation", "genderqueer people", "gender 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"sex reassignment surgery"], alt_labels_language: ["gender reassignment surgery", "sex reassignment surgery"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 726, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderRelations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderRelations", pref_label: "gender relations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderSegregationInLabour", pref_label: "gender segregation in labour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["division of labour by gender", "male occupations", "female occupations", "sexual division of labour"], alt_labels_language: ["division of labour by gender", "male occupations", "female occupations", "sexual division of labour"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 729, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderStudies", pref_label: "gender studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 730, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderSwapping", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderSwapping", pref_label: "gender swapping", pref_label_language: nil, description: "used in relation to roleplaying", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["gender roleplay"], alt_labels_language: ["gender roleplay"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 731, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderism", pref_label: "genderism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["gender discrimination"], alt_labels_language: ["gender discrimination"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], 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["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 740, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ghettos", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ghettos", pref_label: "ghettos", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 741, pid: 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 755, pid: "homosaurus/terms/graphicNovels", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "graphicNovels", pref_label: "graphic novels", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/handkerchiefCodes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "handkerchiefCodes", pref_label: "handkerchief codes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a color-coded system to indicate preferred sexual ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 770, pid: "homosaurus/terms/happiness", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "happiness", pref_label: "happiness", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 773, pid: "homosaurus/terms/harems", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "harems", pref_label: "harems", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 774, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hate", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hate", pref_label: "hate", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", 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["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 776, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hateGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hateGroups", pref_label: "hate groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 777, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hateSpeech", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hateSpeech", pref_label: "hate speech", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["group libel", "group defamation", "defamation against groups"], alt_labels_language: ["group libel", "group defamation", "defamation against groups"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 778, pid: "homosaurus/terms/headsOfState", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "headsOfState", pref_label: 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 789, pid: "homosaurus/terms/helpLines", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "helpLines", pref_label: "help lines", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["hotlines", "switchboards"], alt_labels_language: ["hotlines", "switchboards"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 790, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hepatitis", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hepatitis", pref_label: "hepatitis", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 791, pid: "homosaurus/terms/heredity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heredity", pref_label: "heredity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 798, pid: "homosaurus/terms/heterosexualBoys", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexualBoys", pref_label: "heterosexual boys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["straight boys"], alt_labels_language: ["straight boys"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 799, pid: "homosaurus/terms/heterosexualFeminism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexualFeminism", pref_label: "heterosexual feminism", 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[""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 811, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hinduism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hinduism", pref_label: "hinduism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 812, pid: 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 818, pid: "homosaurus/terms/HIVAIDS", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "HIVAIDS", pref_label: "HIV/AIDS", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["gay-related immuno-deficiency", "AIDS", "acquired immune deficiency syndrome", "GRIDS"], alt_labels_language: ["gay-related immuno-deficiency", "AIDS", "acquired immune 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 823, pid: "homosaurus/terms/homeCare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homeCare", pref_label: "home care", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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uri: "", identifier: "homonormativity", pref_label: "homonormativity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["homosexual norms"], alt_labels_language: ["homosexual norms"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 830, pid: "homosaurus/terms/homophobia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homophobia", pref_label: "homophobia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "fear, mistrust or hatred of gay men ", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 831, pid: "homosaurus/terms/homosexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homosexuality", pref_label: "homosexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], 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history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 833, pid: "homosaurus/terms/honourKillings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "honourKillings", pref_label: "honour killings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["honor killings"], alt_labels_language: ["honor killings"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 834, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hormoneTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hormoneTherapy", pref_label: "hormone therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["cross-gender hormone therapy", "hormone reassignment therapy", "hormone replacement therapy "], alt_labels_language: ["cross-gender hormone therapy", "hormone reassignment therapy", "hormone replacement therapy "], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 835, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hormones", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hormones", pref_label: "hormones", pref_label_language: nil, description: "as part of the body; for hormones as medication US...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 836, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hospitalityIndustry", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hospitalityIndustry", pref_label: "hospitality industry", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["hotel and catering industry "], 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[""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 841, pid: "homosaurus/terms/householdWork", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "householdWork", pref_label: "household work", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["housekeeping", "housework"], alt_labels_language: ["housekeeping", "housework"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 842, pid: "homosaurus/terms/housing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "housing", pref_label: "housing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["residences"], alt_labels_language: ["residences"], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 843, pid: "homosaurus/terms/housingAssociations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "housingAssociations", pref_label: "housing associations", 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history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 847, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humanReproduction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humanReproduction", pref_label: "human reproduction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 848, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humanRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humanRights", pref_label: "human rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 849, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humanRightsOrganisations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humanRightsOrganisations", pref_label: "human rights organisations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["civil rights organizations", "civil rights organisations", "human rights organizations"], alt_labels_language: ["civil rights organizations", "civil rights organisations", "human rights organizations"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 850, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humanism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humanism", pref_label: "humanism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 852, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humour", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humour", pref_label: "humour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 853, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hygiene", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hygiene", pref_label: "hygiene", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 854, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hypersexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hypersexuality", pref_label: "hypersexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["nymphomania", "satyriasis"], alt_labels_language: ["nymphomania", "satyriasis"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 858, pid: "homosaurus/terms/idols", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "idols", pref_label: "idols", pref_label_language: nil, description: "persons regarded with blind admiration, adoration,...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 860, pid: "homosaurus/terms/imageHostingWebsites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "imageHostingWebsites", pref_label: "image hosting websites", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 861, pid: "homosaurus/terms/imams", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "imams", pref_label: "imams", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 864, pid: "homosaurus/terms/immigrationLaw", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "immigrationLaw", pref_label: "immigration law", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 865, pid: "homosaurus/terms/immigrationPolicy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "immigrationPolicy", pref_label: "immigration policy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 867, pid: "homosaurus/terms/impresarios", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "impresarios", pref_label: "impresarios", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 868, pid: "homosaurus/terms/imprisonment", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "imprisonment", pref_label: "imprisonment", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["incarceration"], alt_labels_language: ["incarceration"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 869, pid: "homosaurus/terms/inVitroFertilisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "inVitroFertilisation", pref_label: "in vitro fertilisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 871, pid: "homosaurus/terms/incestVictims", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "incestVictims", pref_label: "incest victims", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["victims of incest"], alt_labels_language: ["victims of incest"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 873, pid: "homosaurus/terms/indigenousPeoples", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "indigenousPeoples", pref_label: "indigenous peoples", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["native peoples"], alt_labels_language: ["native peoples"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 874, pid: "homosaurus/terms/individualisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "individualisation", pref_label: "individualisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "process towards individualism ; consequence of soc...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["individualization"], alt_labels_language: ["individualization"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 875, pid: "homosaurus/terms/industries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "industries", pref_label: "industries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", 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[], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 877, pid: "homosaurus/terms/informationCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "informationCentres", pref_label: "information centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a place or institution which pulls together inform...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["documentation centres"], alt_labels_language: ["documentation centres"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 878, pid: "homosaurus/terms/informationServices", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "informationServices", pref_label: "information services", pref_label_language: nil, descri